MelaVite Bendőstarter Plus

A liquid feed supplement containing molasses, glycerin, yeast, propylene glycol, and minerals, used to treat post-calving appetite decline, as well as periods of energy and Ca deficiency. It is also excellent for drenching.

  • Excellent source of readily available
    energy due to its propylene glycol content.
  • Increases the amount of propionate
    in the rumen, easily absorbed, and
    quickly enters intermediary metabolism.
  • As a result, plasma glucose and insulin concentrations increase, and the amount of ketone bodies decreases.
  • Reducing the likelihood of metabolic diseases.
  • Hepatoprotective, detoxifying effect.
  • Reducing rumen function problems.
  • Preventing problems associated with displaced abomasum, with fluid intake.
  • Due to its molasses content, animals willingly drink it, even voluntarily.

Dairy cows: Dissolve approximately 15-20 liters of water as soon as possible after calving and administer it to the animal. Strive to utilize the water deficit after calving and compensate for fluid intake with this method. Calves:
Fluid intake helps prevent problems associated with abomasal displacement after birth.
Goats: Depending on the technology, administer 0.5 liters of BS per day per animal after giving birth.